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Using Wrike for project planning – tips and basics

Getting started:

See the invite in your mailbox or login with:

web browser:, create an account with You can create your own password and/or click the ‘login with google’ button to login with your uni-password.

phone app: your phone’s app store

email: mail in tasks to (set up your preferences:  you can specify from which email accounts wrike will accept emailed tasks, and which folder they go into by default.)

Folders > Projects > Tasks

Projects can belong to multiple folders. Folders are essentially tags.  E.g., create folders for Archived, Upcoming, Current, etc.

Share anything with others on the team.

Gantt Charts (“Timeline” when viewing a project)

Nice output for placing into powerpoints. You can also directly enter tasks here (shift click and drag) and create task dependencies.

More help:

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