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How to start a Citrix GoToMeeting web conference:

1. Go to

2. As the organizer of the meeting, login with and the services account password (see Jai Kasturi in ASIT for this if you need it).

3. You’ll see two choices: Start my meeting (for spontaneous meetings), or Schedule my meeting (recommended for anything but spontaneous meetings).

“Start my meeting”:   Use for spontaneous or impromptu meetings — this is a quick way to get together online. You’ll be asked to assign a password for the “evpas” virtual meeting room. You’ll need to communicate that password to the attendees because they will be prompted for it.  In this scenario the attendees simply go to and then enter the password and they’re in.

“Schedule my meeting”:  This is recommended if you want to ensure no one else is using the system during the timeslot that you need it. After entering the date/time/etc of the meeting, you’ll receive a url that you can copy and send to attendees in an email. In this scenario a password is not required because the attendees will use the unique link you email them to join the meeting directly. You can also paste that link into a gmail calendar invite, etc.

Current Limitations:

There can only be one ongoing meeting at a time, since we currently only have one license. If there is sufficient demand, we can obtain additional licenses.

Those using the Chrome browser will be joined to the meeting with the web app and wont need to download or install any software. On other browsers there is a small software download that will run. All browsers will work though.

Certain advanced ‘presentation’ features (screenshare, remote control, drawing on the screen) are turned off when you join with the web app on a Chrome browser.  Those features will be available if you join with another browser.

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